Tiktok giving space to many: Now Josh by Dailyhunt after Mitron, Chingari and more

After many like Mitron, Chingari and few more daily hunt gets into the limelight with it’s app Josh with over 5million downloads.
The video share market in India is pretty large proven by tiktok already, with the ban it gave rise to many however assuming the main revenue for these are advertising – will advertisers find the fragmented market as a play to get in. On the other side it’s also about makers and watchers. Will makers goto so many apps to publish their content and collate followers and their likes across many? Same will possibly be true if watchers will have many apps for the same. Even with the old wold we have seen apps like these share videos across each other where you can find ones videos shared on other and vice versa. But there were clear winners and paths for all contributors to decide a destination be is maker, watcher/viwers or advertisers..
Definitely a space to watch and see what comes next.

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