Banarasiya- Beaded jewelry, a popular form of adornment for thousands of years

Banarasiya beaded jewelry is a type of jewelry that is made using traditional Banarasi beads. Banarasi beads are small, colorful beads that are made in the city of Varanasi

To create beaded jewelry, one must first choose the type of beads one would like to use. Beads come in a range of materials, including glass, stone, wood, plastic, and metal, each offering its own unique look and texture. Once the beads have been selected, they can be strung onto a piece of wire or thread, and then manipulated into various shapes and patterns.

BANARASIYA by Arti Newskar presents you with simple necklaces, intricate bracelets, and earrings, beaded jewelry can be made in a variety of styles and designs, making it a versatile and timeless accessory. Check more designs and place your order at –

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