FPO : A great player in boosting the rural entrepreneurial economy

The Modi government has been attempting to make some reforms like e-markets to boost the rural economy, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and the Model Contract Farming Act, 2018. As Indian farmers have the smallest landholding on the planet, they lack individual bargaining scope in the open market for their little produce. In such a situation, the FPOs can give them an important edge since they can pool in their produce, put resources into cold storerages and better burgain with enormous purchasers along these lines eliminating the mediators in the business…

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Impacts of COVID 19 on poverty and inequality in India

INTRODUCTION The outbreak of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a global health crisis that has had a deep impact on the way we perceive our world and our everyday lives.Not only does the risk of contagion and transmission trends challenge our sense of autonomy, but its long-lasting, global social and financial consequences arising from the orchestral and indirect consequences of disease still highlights a big issue.In particular, GDP forecasts for most regions and nations have already been seen declining, led by shocks to both domestic demand and output…

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